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Probably Science

Oct 28, 2015

Kelly Carlin wears a lot of hats as a monologist, actress, radio host, producer and author of her new memoir A Carlin Home Companion, and she invited Matt and Andy over to her place to talk about calculus, mind-body connections, right answers in math, whether snake fear is hard-wired, monkeys balls, Hurricane...

Oct 21, 2015

Author Johann Hari (@johannhari101) was stateside recently to return as a guest on Real Time with Bill Maher, and he invited Matt and Andy over to his hotel room to talk about the emotional deafness of the rich, his book Chasing The Scream and the failed 100-year war on drugs, the government's persecution of Billie...

Oct 15, 2015

Comedy's Jacob Sirof (@jacobsirof) joins Matt and Andy to talk about new jobs, orgasm fungi, Star Wars science, Andy's nephews singing Weird Al, Wales and fake waves, a Chinese telescope on the moon, cheating Jews, converting vaccine skeptics and pig...